Spring Moving Tips
April 11, 2021 | Exodus Realty
Spring is a popular time to move. If you’re in the midst of the the moving process, consider some of these tips to help your move go smoothly. Some tips are gathered from Peggy Wang of BuzzFeed. Others are just personal experience:
- Write down a list of all the places you’ll need to contact with your new address. From utilities to doctors offices, and the post office itself, the list can grow exponentially.
- Need boxes? Contact local groceries and ask for permission to gather their discarded boxes after they have an inventory delivery.
- Before you begin packing, be sure to have all the essentials handy: markers to ID boxes, packaging tape, press and seal wrap, and small baggies to collect screws and other loose parts.
- Before undoing electronics, take a picture of where all the wires belong so you can easily set everything back up in its new spot.
- As you’re boxing items, at a minimum be sure to label the room the box gets delivered to in the new home. If possible, list the items in the box. Color coding may even help.
- Hampers, clothes baskets, etc. can double as moving containers for shoes and other lighter weight items.
- If you’re able to clean the bathrooms in your new house prior to moving day, this may be a good idea. You’ll want somewhere to get cleaned up when you get to the new place.
- Prepare a separate bag of personal toiletries for moving day. After a long day’s work, the last thing you’ll want to do is search for the soap or deodorant.
- When you’re unpacking, don’t take on too much at once. Think through and place items in their permanent spots, rather than making a quick decision and having to rearrange your cabinets and closets later. You’ll enjoy the move and experience much more if you pace yourself.
- Of course, to make the whole move easier, consider hiring IN EX Moving to help you with the physical work of loading boxes and moving furniture! You can reach them at 812-593-0600.