Shelbyville, Indiana, the county seat of Shelby County, is located on the forks of Little blue and Big Blue Rivers near the center of the county. Lattitude and Longitude position: North 39° 31′ and West 85° 46′. It is only 26 miles southeast of Indianapolis, the state capital. Approximately 2,500 local residents commute to that city daily to work. By highway, Shelbyville is 217 miles from Chicago; 83 miles from Cincinnati; 273 miles from Detroit; 268 miles from St. Louis.
Shelbyville is a growing community of nearly 18,000. We take great pride in the fact that we have maintained our friendly “small town” atmosphere while at the same time, we have welcomed and enjoyed growth in the areas of industry, technology, and recreation. The future of Shelbyville is bright, and we are excited by the possibilities.